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Audience Engagement: Polls

In this Article, you will learn how to create and manage Polls for your event.

Do note that Polls can be available on several features that share the same interface as the Home feature. You can use Polls for Exhibitor.

Setup Polls:

Start & Display Polls:

The Poll feature allows you to conduct live polls and gain the opinions of the attendees/users on certain questions. 

Accessing the Poll feature

  • AppHome featureUnder Audience Engagement: click manage poll

Creating a Poll

  1. Click "+" icon and select "Multiple Choice"
    1. You can select the Multiple Choice poll type or the Word Cloud poll type.
      The Multiple Choice poll type provides pre-set options for attendees to select from, which will be visualised in a graphical representation.
      The Word Cloud poll type will gather and visualise short responses, and will feature common answers more prominently.
  2. Note: Go to "Options" tab to set optional settings for Answer, Points, Countdown Timer, Submission Point, Min - Max Choices & Access Rights, where necessary. Please ignore this step if it is not required.
  3. Add Question and Choices within the blank fields
    Show or Hide results by clicking the button next to Start Voting.
  4. Where necessary, manage Poll Options under "Options" tab

    Note: Go to " Options" tab to set optional settings for Answer, Points, Countdown Timer, Submission Point, Min - Max Choices & Access Rights, where necessary. Please ignore this step if it is not required.

Set Poll Options

Poll options help you set mandatory settings such as Answers, allocate points, set timer, no. of choices and Access Rights to the Poll Question.

  1. Options tab
    1. Multiple Choice Poll Type
      1. Answer (Optional): You can select a correct answer by toggling this setting.
      2. Points (Optional): Enable this option to award points to attendees who selected the correct answer.
      3. Countdown Timer in Seconds: Input a countdown timer in seconds to set a time limit to a question. At the end of the countdown, the results will be shown to the users.
      4. Submission Point (Optional): Toggle this option to award points to attendees who submitted their answer.
      5. Min/Max number of choices: Adjust this option if you wish to enable attendees the choice of selecting multiple options
      6. Access Rights: Enable this option to control who would be able to access the poll. 
    2. Word Cloud Poll Type
      1. Word Limit: Input a limit to the number of words any attendee can submit for the selected word cloud.
      2. Character Limit: Input a limit to the number of characters any attendee can submit for the selected word cloud.
      3. Points (Optional): Enable this option to award points to attendees who submitted their answer.
      4. Stop Words: waiting for clarification on what this and the next entry is.
      5. Stop Words for Chinese:
      6. Maximum number or words to display: Set a limit to how many words the word cloud will feature. 

Set Poll Display

  1. From the right panel, select the Display tab. Set your preferred layout. 
  2. Select the Result Layout you wish to show to your attendees, from either the horizontal or vertical options.
  3. Display Options:
    1. Total Participants: Switch this option on to show the total number of poll participants.
    2. Percentage: Enable this option to show the total number of participants in percentage relative to the total number of attendees.
    3. Vote Counts: Enable this to show the total number of vote counts of your audience.
    4. Show Correct answer: Enable this to show the answer on-screen. Please stop voting to show the correct answer on-screen. 

Editing and starting a Poll

From the  Main tab, select the poll that you wish to edit. From the right sidebar, select the "Content" tab and fill in the details for Question and Choice

Note:  Word Cloud  does not require any choice inputs. Also note that you cannot edit polls once it has started. 

Starting the Poll

From the " Main" tab under the Poll feature, select the "Start voting" button found at the bottom left to begin the poll. The Poll will pop-up on attendee screens. If Poll is activated on your event's livestream page, it will also be reflected on the right column of the event platform under "Poll" tab.

Displaying Poll Results 

How to use Poll Results Display

To display results on the attendee's view, show results. Stop voting → Show Results → Start Voting (This will pop-up poll results on attendee screens)

There are 2 ways to display poll results:

  1. Pop-up on attendee screen directly as per starting the Poll.
    → Stop Voting → Click Show results → Click Start voting to pop-up results on attendee screen
  2. Projector view (Requires whomever running the livestream to display poll results via the projected screen, more complicated process).
    → Click Play button to screen and click Projector to project poll results in new tab. 
    Projected poll results will open in a new tab as per below:

Projecting Poll Results

  1. Once you’re ready to display, select the play icon (Found in the Blue Projector Menu). A new tab will pop up.
    Note: Projector is used only when you are projecting the results to the livestream. It will no reflect immediately on the attendee's view via Micepad. It needs to be projected via your livestream platform.

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