In this article, you will be able to learn more about the user roles available within Micepad App.
Type of User Roles
Several roles are available on Micepad App. Different types of access and permissions are assigned to different roles within the App.
An organization would typically have personnel who has the admin access that directly handles the admin panel to set up their organization's event. Personnel with admin access are able to login via the admin panel to manage their organization's backend admin panel. Admins are given access to invite collaborators, speakers, moderators, exhibitor administrators, representatives and attendees onto a particular event.
Listed are the different roles used on the Micepad platform:
Admin: Admin roles will receive an admin invitation via their email inbox from the Micepad team.
- Admins can access the backend admin panel to setup the event website, event virtual platform, manage attendees and emails.
- Please contact Micepad support if you require any assistance for setup inquiries or publishing event.
- Speakers: Speakers have no access to the admin panel. The speaker must first be added as an attendee then added as a translator to the Live session from the admin panel to which allows them access the Event via the app or web browser.
- Attendee: An attendee has no access to the admin panel. They are able to access content through the Event App as an event participant.
For self-managing organisations, send out admin invites to your team by adding them as event collaborators:
- Click on the icon above QUICK LINKS
- Click +Invite Teammate
- Complete Email, First Name and Last Name fields and Send Invitation
Note: An invitation email will be sent to their inbox. Administrators to complete their registration to access the Micepad admin panel.
Additional Access Roles
Organizers can set the moderation mode for features like Video Conferencing (VC). Attendees who are set as moderators for video conferencing sessions will have the ability to approve, mute, or kick out attendees throughout the video conferencing session.
Another option that allows setting special permissions is the exhibitor booth, which can be assigned roles such as Exhibitor Administrator and Exhibitor Representative.
Screen Admins
Screen Admins are given access to manage screen settings and audience engagement moderation from the virtual platform via the setting icon available under the livestream/video. This provides easy access to manage the Home page or live display options directly via the virtual platform (attendee view).
From the virtual platform (attendee view), Screen Admins can:
- Access Live Display Settings
- Access Preview
- Moderate Audience Engagement - approve, hide or select Q&A
- Start and Stop Polls
- Initiate private chats with attendees
Screen Admins can control the live display from the attendee view and moderate Chat, Q&A, Poll and People. The Preview button for Live Stream is also made available for Screen Admins who are conducting live stream dry-runs prior to the actual session start time.
Screen Moderators
Screen moderators are given access to manage audience engagement ONLY from the virtual platform. This includes moderation buttons on audience engagement to approve, hide or select Q&A. The Preview button for Live Stream is also made available for Screen Moderators who are conducting live stream dry-runs prior to the actual session start time.
From the virtual platform (attendee view), Screen Moderators can:
- Access Preview
- Moderate Audience Engagement - approve, hide or select Q&A
- Start and stop Stop Poll
- Initiate private chats with attendees
Apart from the main user roles mentioned above, there are Exhibitor roles available on the Exhibitor feature. These are the Exhibitor Administrator and the Exhibitor Representative who are individuals that are granted access to manage their organization's Exhibitor profiles on Micepad App.
Exhibitor Administrator
- Manage exhibitor representative
- Edit exhibitor details
- Upload exhibitor content
- Download Interested Attendee Contacts
- Private Chat with attendee (via People tab)
- Livestream settings access
Exhibitor Representative
Exhibitor Representatives can perform the following actions on the virtual platform:
- Upload exhibitor content
- Download Interested Attendee Contacts
- Appear on Exhibitor booth as Representatives
- Representatives status: Online or Offline
- Attendee can start a Private chat with representatives on exhibitor booth
- Attendee can leave a message for representatives
Exhibitor Admins and Representatives can view the attendee list on the page and moderate public discussion.