In this article, you will be able to learn how to manage Automated Emails:
- Accessing Automated Emails
- Setting up Automated Emails
Automated Emails is a series of emails that requires participants to complete certain actions on the event website to trigger automated emails to be sent to their emails. Admins can edit the content of automated emails to customize each email to meet their needs and requirements. Automated Emails are mainly confirmation emails, check-ins or other requests.
List of Automated email triggers can be set for the following:
- Order Summary (Events using Ticket Registration)
- Pending Payment (Events that require admins to manually approve registration)
- Join Waitlist
- Release Spot
- RSVP Confirmation (Events that require attendees to submit RSVP)
- On-site Check-In
- Business Matching
- Requests: Content, Scanned items or Notes.
Accessing Automated Emails
- From the top panel ➔ select Emails ➔ Automated Emails
Setting up Automated Emails
As an event administrator, you can customise automated emails to be sent when certain actions are done by attendees. You can also edit your content after setting an automated email up.
From the Emails tab, select Automated Emails on the left side panel.
You can customise the automated emails from this page by selecting the ··· button to edit the from the email content or choose to replace the template with other available templates powered by Micepad.
Click Change Template ➔ Select a template from the available email templates powered by Micepad. You can edit the content of the email once you have selected a template.Toggle automated emails ON to trigger automated emails when attendees complete specific actions or meet certain conditions.