Import Event Template

*This article is only relevant to administrators with creator access.In this article, we'll walk you through importing existing event templates from your organization on Micepad. 

For existing Micepad users who have created past events, you can easily import, clone, or duplicate previous events. The new event will use the same event template and settings as the older event. 

By doing this, organizations can retain old templates and settings with no need to recreate everything from scratch. If you need assistance importing event templates, you can contact Micepad support.

Note: Replace event banners accordingly if past event banners are not relevant to your current event.

Follow these steps to import an event:

  1. From the organization dashboard, select the Import Event button. A pop up will appear.
  2. Select your organization, as well as the event that you wish to import/clone/duplicate from the dropdown list. 
  3. Once you have selected the event you wish to import, select the Setup Now button. You will be redirected to the 4-step event Quickstart.
  4. At the 4-step event Quickstart, make necessary changes to event details, branding, products and privacy settings. You can revisit and make changes to event details, branding and privacy settings but you will not be able to change products once you have created your event.

    Note: Ensure you have selected the right products for your event. Seek advice from Micepad team if you require assistance on which products you are using for your event. If there are missing products, please approach the Micepad team for further assistance. 

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