Set up Simultaneous Interpretation (SI)

Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) will be enabled automatically only after event administrators have completed the necessary configuration in the admin panel.


  1. Event admins to add the translator to the Attendees page on admin panel.
  2. Once translators are added as attendees, admins can add them as Translators on the Live page. (See step 4 below)

Add Languages and Translators

  • Locate Languages from the top panel "App" → "Home" feature
  • At the "Home" feature → Scroll down to "Languages"
  1. Click "Edit" → "+ Add new language
  2. Select language from the dropdown option (repeat step 3 & 4 to select more than 1 language)

    Note: If a language you require for your SI is not available in the existing list, please approach Micepad personnel to assist you further.

  3. Once languages have been selected → "Save changes"   

  4. To add Translator → Search users within the "Translators" field 

  5. Note:To add Translators, ensure that their credentials have been added to the Attendee page on the admin panel

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